February 10 – Saint Scholastica – King Louis XIII consecrates France to Mary (1638)

The Virgin Mary responds to the Consecration of France (II)

King Louis XIII of France made sure that the edict of February 10, 1638, which officially consecrated France to Mary, was recorded by the Parliament as an act of sovereign authority. He instituted a religious procession to be held every year on August 15 for the feast of the Assumption of Mary, in all the churches of each diocese throughout the Kingdom. Following is an excerpt from the royal edict:

"So many obvious graces have convinced us that we it is our duty to consecrate ourselves to the greatness of God, through his Son who lowered Him to us, and to this Son through His Mother whom He raised up to Himself, in whose protection we especially place our person, our State, our crown and all our subjects. Our hands not being pure enough to present our offerings to purity itself, we believe that those hands that were worthy to carry Him will make these offerings pleasing hosts; and it is quite reasonable, that having been the mediatrix of these benefits, she should be the mediatrix of our thanksgivings."


Cf. Encyclopedia Maria tome IV - Beauchesne 1956 - p. 714

And also: Notre Histoire avec Marie

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