February 4 – Our Lady of Fire (Italy, 1428) – St. Joan of France, Duchess of Berry (d. 1505), founder of the Order of the Sisters of the Annunciation of Mary (Annunciades) where the nuns live to imitate Mary

In Abu Dhabi, thanks to the Living Rosary

A French leader of the Living Rosary organization in Abu Dhabi, capital of the United Arab Emirates, wrote:

"Yesterday I received this page published in the August 2020 (issue # 3757) of “Point de Vue" magazine. How can we not see in it the conversion of [the name of a high dignitary in the Middle East], for having had the courage to change the name of one of the main mosques of Abu Dhabi to the sweet name of Mary, Mother of Jesus?

Being a monogamous Muslim, father of nine, is something amazing. I attribute it to the Living Rosary whose purpose is to extend the Reign of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. What an encouragement to continue recruiting for this goal! Yes, this Rosary is precious, it works miracles, and motivates us even more to pray for the conversion of all those who are still in darkness.

Thank you for this beautiful grace! May Mary continue to extend her reign and that of Jesus throughout the universe. Mary, Immaculate Queen of the universe, may you triumph and reign!

Personal testimony of G.P. sent on June 15, 2021 to the Mary of Nazareth organization

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