December 31 - Saint Mary Odigitria (“Who leads the Way) - Saint Catherine Labouré (d. 1876)

The closer we get to the end of time, the more Mary becomes present

Father René Laurentin (1) wrote, "Mary is present in the three phases of salvation history: the time that precedes Christ, the period of his earthly life, and the time after Christ."

Daughter of Zion who became the Mother of the Messiah, the Redeemer of man, Mary was present from the very first steps of the newborn Church around the twelve apostles in Jerusalem, where she lived with them the events of the Passion of her Son, his Resurrection, his Ascension, and then the First Pentecost. The Twelve and the first disciples began to meet in the Upper Room, and then in each other's homes in Jerusalem, and Mary prayed with them and supported their faith, their hope and their charity, as a mother supports her children.

Mother of God who became a universal Mother, Mother given to the world by her Son on Calvary ("Here is your son", Jn 19:26), Mary is at the same time the one who intercedes, who becomes a mediator for her children, throughout the Church's history and in all the corners of the world... Sometimes Mary even intervenes directly in the history of men to transform the outcome (for example, during the victorious battle of Vienna in 1683), or to warn her children of a threatening danger, or to send a message to the whole world ( for example, the apparitions of Lourdes and Fatima).

Mary forms her children and never ceases to give birth to them spiritually, until the Second Coming when the Mystical Body of Christ, the Church, will have reached maturity. She is for us a model of faith, hope and charity.

"As she is the dawn that precedes and reveals the Sun of Justice, who is Jesus Christ, she must be known and seen, so that Jesus Christ may be known and seen," Saint Louis de Montfort said, and went on to explain why, the closer we get to the end of time, the more visible Mary's presence becomes in the Church. This is how we can explain the increase of Marian apparitions over the last two centuries.



Marian Encyclopedia

Mary in the life of the Church(1) Father René Laurentin (1917-2017) was a French theologian. He is widely recognized as "one of the world's foremost students" of Mariology and is the author of numerous books and scholarly articles on topics including Marian apparitions. He served in the Pontifical International Marian Academy and authored parts of the Marian doctrine in the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church of Vatican II. 

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