December 29 - Our Lady of the Flowers (Bra, Italy, 1336)

After my novenas, I saw no immediate results, but..

My testimonial is more like a humble and profound thank you to Our Blessed Mother, the Mother of Our Lord, the Blessed Virgin Mary, who is totally transforming my life.

Here is a brief summary of my life: I was born outside of the European Union, after a divorce, I found myself on welfare two years ago, out of work with two children to raise. I tried to get back on my feet with personal development methods, but to no avail.

I think it was Our Mother who came to me: one evening I ordered the novena booklet from Mary Undoer of Knots. I prayed several novenas in a row, always the same one. I didn't see any immediate results, but I believe that God answers every sincere prayer; even a non-response is a form of answer. The Father loves us. That is my faith.

Now dear brothers and sisters, for three months a shower of blessings has been falling on my life. On July 27, 2022, I obtained Luxembourg citizenship, my ex-wife and I were reconciled, I have a normal home, I am no longer on welfare, and yesterday I received the firm promise of my first permanent employment contract in Europe, as an executive in a well-known company!

What should I say, or rather what should I sing? Sisters, brothers, share my immense joy and let us sing this sublime song to the Lord, with Mary, Our Mother:

Magnificent is the Lord,

With all my heart I sing to God,

Magnificent is the Lord!


Sylvester O. 

Testimonial sent to Mary of Nazareth on Oct. 14, 2022 

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