December 28 - Holy Innocents - Our Lady of Pontoise ( France, 1484) - Death of French visionary Benoîte Rencurel of the Laus apparition (1647)

Our Lady of Laus, a Marian site of apparitions, has witnessed countless physical and spiritual healings

AntonyB, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
AntonyB, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

For 54 years, from 1664 to 1718, between the beginning of the reign of Louis XIV and the Regency, the Virgin Mary appeared to Benoîte Rencurel, a shepherdess from the Avance Valley (Hautes-Alpes, France). Mary said to her messenger: "I have asked my Son for Le Laus and he has granted it to me. I ask that a church be built here, where many sinners will convert."

For 350 years, this kindness of the Virgin Mary for her children has not ceased to unfold in the hearts of those who let themselves be taken in by her call to reconciliation.

The first priests missioned to the small village of Saint-Étienne-le-Laus from 1665 onwards testified to the graces experienced in the confessional: "How many people have said that the shrine of Our Lady of Laus is the refuge of sinners, where God inspires them to make good confessions, lifts the shame of those who do not dare to tell their sins, assisted by the guidance of Benoîte, who showed them their inner self, gave them courage, time to make good examinations of conscience, and good confessors who sent them away very happy" (Pierre Gaillard, in the Manuscripts of Le Laus).

Between 1669 and 1684, Christ appeared five times to Benoîte on the cross at Avançon. He revealed to her the infinite love he has for sinners and invited her to share in his sufferings to save them.

Benoîte was comforted by Mary and the angels during the great difficulties she experienced: a 20-year persecution by Jansenist priests, calumnies of all kinds, and demonic attacks. Despite these great trials, she remained faithful and anchored in hope. She died joyfully on December 28, 1718.

The grace of Laus did not end with the death of Benoîte. It has been active in people's hearts for more than 350 years and is bearing ever more fruit. Through Benoîte's intercession, Mary accomplished many graces, but also physical healings at Le Laus, especially with the anointing of the sick with the oil of the sanctuary lamp: "The good Mother said to Benoîte, at the beginning of the devotion, that if one would take some of the the oil of the chapel lamp and applies it to oneself, and had recourse to her intercession with faith, one would be healed" (Authentic Gaillard copy. p. 45 IV [91] - year 1667).

Since 1664, many allegations of healings have been recorded each year.

Between 150,000 and 170,000 visitors come to the shrine each year. Since the official recognition of the apparitions in 2008, Le Laus, formerly a little-known site of pilgrimage, has attracted many pilgrims to the sources of reconciliation.


Father Ludovic Frère

Rector of the Shrine of Our Lady of Laus

See also: Marian Encyclopedia



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