December 25 - The Nativity of Jesus

Mary talks about Jesus’ birth (II)

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In the following excerpt from Luisa Picarreta's book (1), the Virgin Mary recalls the moment of Jesus’ birth:

Then I wrapped Him in poor but clean little clothes, and I placed Him in the manger. This was His Will, and I could not do without executing it. But before doing this, I shared Him with dear Saint Joseph, placing Him in his arms. Oh, how he rejoiced! He pressed Him to his heart, and the sweet little Baby poured torrents of grace into his soul.

Then, together with Saint Joseph, we arranged a little hay in the manger, and detaching Him from my maternal arms, I laid Him in it. Your Mama, enraptured by the beauty of the divine Infant, remained kneeling before Him most of the time. I put all my seas of love into motion, which the Divine Will had formed in Me, to love Him, adore Him, and thank Him.

And what did the little Celestial Baby do in the manger? A continuous act of the Will of Our Celestial Father, which was also His. Moaning and sighing, He wailed, cried and called to everyone, saying in His loving moans: "Come all of you, children of mine; for love of you I am born to sorrow and to tears. Come all of you, to know the excess of my love! Give Me shelter in your hearts."

And there was a coming and going of shepherds, who came to visit Him, and to all He gave His sweet gaze and His loving smile, even amid His tears. Now, my child, a little word to you: You must know that all my joy was to hold my dear Son Jesus on my lap, but the Divine Will made Me understand that I should place Him in the manger, at everyone’s disposal, so that whoever wanted, could caress Him, kiss Him, and take Him in their arms, as if He were his own. He was the little King of all; therefore, they had the right to make of Him a sweet pledge of love. And I, in order to fulfill the Supreme Volition, deprived Myself of my innocent joys, beginning, with works and sacrifices, the office of Mother - of giving Jesus to all.

Luisa Picarreta, Italian mystic (1865-1947)

From her book The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will

(1) This book was written in 1932 by Luisa Piccarreta, the little daughter of the Divine Will, in obedience to her confessor Don Benedetto Calvi

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