December 24 - Vigil of the Nativity of the Lord

Mary talks about Jesus’ birth (I)

© Jean-Pol GRANDMONT, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.
© Jean-Pol GRANDMONT, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

In the following excerpt from Luisa Picarreta's book (1), the Virgin Mary recalls the moment of Jesus’ birth:

“You must know that it was midnight when the little newborn King came out of my maternal womb. But the night turned into day; the One who was the Lord of light put to flight the night of the human will, the night of sin, the night of all evils; and as a sign of what He was doing in the order of souls, by means of His usual omnipotent Fiat the midnight turned into most refulgent daylight. All created things ran to praise their Creator in that little Humanity. The sun ran to give its first kisses of light to little Baby Jesus, and to warm Him with its heat; the ruling wind purified the air of the stable with its waves, and with its sweet moaning said to Him: "I love You"; the heavens were shaken from their very foundations; the earth exulted and trembled down to the abyss; the sea roared with its gigantic waves. In sum, all created things recognized that their Creator was now in their midst, and they all competed in singing His praises.

The very Angels, forming light in the air, with melodious voices which all could hear, said: "Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth to men of good will! The Celestial Baby is now born in the grotto of Bethlehem, wrapped in poor swaddling clothes…" - so much so, that the shepherds who were in vigil, listened to the Angelic voices and ran to visit the little divine King. 

My dear child, continue to listen to Me. As I received Him into my arms and gave Him my first kiss, I felt the need of love to give something of my own to my little Son; and offering Him my breast, I gave Him abundant milk – milk formed in my person by the Divine Fiat Itself, in order to nourish little King Jesus. But who can tell you what I felt in doing this, and the seas of grace, of love, of sanctity, that my Son gave to Me in return?”


Luisa Picarreta, Italian mystic (1865-1947)

From her book The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will

This book was written in 1932 by Luisa Piccarreta, the little daughter of the Divine Will, in obedience to her confessor Don Benedetto Calvi


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