December 18 - Feast of the Expected Birth of the Virgin Mary (654) established at the Council of Toledo in 656

At the time of the Incarnation, God's humility was made manifest in Mary

God's humility was made manifest through Mary. The Magnificat reveals this mystery. Humility is the sign of true power. It is a spiritual strength, the power of Love, which consists in freely bowing down before the lowest. The Incarnation is the eternal humility of God. 

He was born to reveal what God’s power consists of: to serve the littlest ones. All other forms of power prevent a true relationship of love with God.

Mary is the Ark of the New Covenant. She received the one who unites Heaven and earth. She carried Him who carries everything. "She gives to the world the one who gives Life in abundance.” Thus, Mary is the model of perfect receptivity and total gift. She gives back entirely the one she receives from God: Jesus Christ. She helps us to become, in our turn, an ark of the covenant, a monstrance, and a grain of wheat. 

Mary's children are protected by God and by Mary herself. Defeated in the great battle with St. Michael, Satan is cast down to earth with his demons. In his plan, God wants people to participate in Christ's victory over the devil. "They conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony": each time the Eucharist is celebrated and adored, the precious blood of the Lamb is poured out on the children of Mary.


Meditation written by the Missionaries of the Holy Eucharist

(Excerpt from the meditation of the 2nd Joyful Mystery)

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