December 12 - Our Lady of Guadalupe (Mexico, 1531)

A Miracle of Light on the cloak of Tepeyac moments after Mexico City legalized abortion

On April 24, 2007, at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City, moments after the Municipal Council of Mexico City had just legalized abortion, the Miracle of Light occurred.

At the end of the mass offered for the unborn children, while many of the faithful took photographs of the tilma or cloak of Tepeyac, the image of the Virgin began to fade away, giving way to a very intense light that emanated from her abdomen like a shiny halo in the shape of an embryo. Engineer Luis Girault reported that the light was not a reflection but a luminescence (coming from within).

Millions of potentially beautiful lives are cut short each day in their mothers’ wombs. 

The Miracle of Light is a message from Our Lady of Guadalupe who is so worried by the expanding legalization of abortion worldwide, not just in Guadalupe. The Light is Jesus in her womb. Her womb catches fire during the Mass in honor of martyred unborn babies, witnessed by hundreds of pilgrims.


By Bernie V. Lopez, February, 2022

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