December 2 - Founding of the Fraternity of the Heart of Mary at the church of Notre-Dame des Victoires (Paris, France, 1836)

"I know that Mary will be there at the time of my death"

"My mother was in a nursing home during the last years of her life. Following a stroke, she was paralyzed and dependent. She read the texts of the Mass each day. She was attentive to each of her family and caregivers. She led a very simple life, yet it was difficult because of her complete reliance on others.

One day before she passed away, she was looking at a spot in her room with absolute attention, with all her being. It lasted a few minutes. I had seen the visionary children of Medjugorje during an apparition: it was the same attention.

I didn't dare say anything... But the next day I couldn't help asking her: "Yesterday I had the impression that you saw Mary speaking to you." She simply answered me: "It's true."

Since then, when I say the rosary, I know that Mary will really be there, visibly or not, at the hour of our death.

M.-F. Z

Testimonial sent to Mary of Nazareth on Sept. 20, 2022

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