December 1 - Holy Mary of Graces (Italy, 1923) - Blessed Charles de Foucauld

Like Mary at the Visitation

"What I would like for myself, I must do for others: "Do what you want to be done unto you", and I must do it for the most neglected, for the most forsaken, and go to the most lost sheep (...) I do not believe that I can do them any greater good than that of bringing them Jesus, the Good of all goods, as Mary did in John's house at the Visitation (...). 

At the same time, while remaining silent, we would make known to these ignorant brothers, not by word, but by example and especially by universal charity, what our religion is, what the Christian spirit is, what the Heart of Jesus is."


Charles de Foucauld 

Excerpt from a letter to Father Jérôme, Notre-Dame des Neiges, July 17, 1901

S'abonner est facile, se désabonner également
N'hésitez pas, abonnez-vous maintenant. C'est gratuit !