August 27 – Saint Monica, mother of Saint Augustine (d. 387) – Our Lady of Quezac (France)

Praying the Rosary in jail helps to stay connected to Heaven

I would like to share with you my experience of praying the Rosary in the Bordeaux jail in Montreal, Canada, where I worked for two months in 1977.

With a fellow Christian worker, I prayed the Rosary a few times at noon during our walk on the facility's grounds.

What a joy it was to pray in this rather unusual place, where I wanted to attract the blessing of God and of the Virgin Mary. Isn't Mary honored as "Gateway to Heaven" and "Mediatrix of all graces"?

By means of the Rosary, we often tell Mary our love; it is not a simple repetition, it is an effective way to keep in touch with her. Thirty-nine years later, I thank Mary for having helped me to persevere.

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