August 22 – Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary

"Continue to do whatever it is you are doing, because it's working!"

My name is Oscar and I am from Cameroon, but I live in Ivory Coast (Africa). I would like to share a personal story, which I was fortunate to experience thanks to the Novena to Mary Undoer of Knots.

In 2012, my wife and I decided to have another child. We entrusted this plan to God, and by his grace and in a miraculous way, my wife became pregnant at the beginning of the year.

However, during the last trimester of the pregnancy, more precisely during the 7th month, the ultrasound revealed that the child's neck was wrapped by 3 loops of the umbilical cord. This diagnosis was made and confirmed by two gynecologists, who then printed hard copies of this ultrasound. The child was quite large but not yet able to live outside the womb, so an early delivery was risky.

We had two options: waiting a few weeks while running the risk that the child would be strangled by the loops, or induce the delivery immediately but put the child's life at risk.

In desperation we turned to the Virgin Mary through the novena to Mary Undoer of Knots. We decided to pray it together each day at 4 am.

On the 4th day of the novena we went to the hospital for the next ultrasound: there were no more loops around the baby's neck! The doctor on that day was the same one who had found the loops around the baby's neck. When he performed the examination on that miraculous day, he told us: "Continue to do whatever it is you are doing, because it's working! " He then showed us the before and after images. The child was safe and the pregnancy could go on without any complications!

Three months later, our son was born in perfect health. We can only give glory to God through Mary who undid those loops for us!


Oscar M. 

Testimonial sent to Mary of Nazareth on May 31, 2022


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