August 20 – Saint Bernard, Doctor of the Church (d. 1153)

Mary’s humility

It would be easy to say of the disciples that they were altogether worldly when, not having not yet received the Holy Spirit (because Jesus had yet been glorified after His Ascension), they had a discussion about who was the greatest among them. Mary, in contrast, humbled herself not only in all things, but also more than all the others; and more deeply, for she was greater. So too, it is with reason that she who placed herself last of all when she was the first, should be raised from the last to the first rank. It is with reason that she who had made herself the servant of all should become the mistress of all. It was, finally altogether just that she should be raised higher than the angels who placed herself, with an unutterable gentleness, lower than widows, penitent sinners, and her from whom seven demons had been cast out. I plead with you, my beloved children, if you love Mary, seek to acquire this virtue. Yes, if it is in your heart to please her, imitate her modesty.

Excerpt from St Bernard’s sermon The twelve stars in Mary's crown

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