August 19 – St. John Eudes (d. 1680) - 5th apparition at Fatima: the announcement of the Great Miracle (Portugal, 1917)

"Drink your Hail Mary juice every morning!"

I learned to recite the Rosary at a young age. I remember listening to Cardinal Leger's Rosary on the radio: this was my last prayer before closing my eyes at night. 

Since then, I have had many ups and downs, but I try to remain faithful to it and persevere in praying the Hail Mary. I like to say that one must "drink one's Hail Mary juice" each morning to keep one's "heart" in shape, as a morning exercise to start the day. 

I regularly ask my angel to recite it with me to help me!

Dolène (Canada) 

Testimonial - October 13, 2016

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