April 16 – Holy Saturday – Our Lady of the Vines (Genoa, Italy, 1816) – Death of Bernadette Soubirous in Nevers, France (d. 1879, incorrupt body)

"In vain did we shake her faith"

(At the Crucifixion) Some were there to see a sort of miracle, the proof that He was the Messiah; what fools! At the cross, we scared away so many people, who no longer believed, who became afraid when they saw him die; and when he died, the few who remained were convinced that nothing was true, because if he was dead, there was nothing more to be done.

When they took the body down from the cross, we (the demons) tempted John as well, saying to his spirit, "Look how your Messiah ended! Look how your Messiah ended!" We also tempted your Mother. She had a bruised heart, but at the same time there was a great peace in her heart and she forgave everyone. She loved and she suffered: her forgiveness was total, her love was total, her offering was total.

And this is what defeated us! In vain did we shake her faith. She continued to pray, she was the only one who kept faith in the Resurrection, her heart already knew it, and at dawn on the day after the Sabbath, He showed himself to her first. We do not know what they said to each other, we only saw that great peace and infinite love emanated from that meeting, but we could not hear their words; their conversation of love was beyond our reach. Then we saw Mary Magdalene go to the tomb.”

Francesco Bamonte

Excerpt from Demonic Possessions and Exorcism - How to recognize the evil deceiver

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