Unlike the women who accompanied Jesus as he ascended to Calvary (cf. Lk 23:27), there are no reports of Mary's cries or lamentations as she stood beneath the cross. Unlike the passage where Jesus was found in the Temple, or at Cana in Galilee, none of her words were transmitted to us, only her silence.
In the Gospel of Luke, Mary is silent at the birth of Jesus. In the Gospel of John, she is silent at the time of Jesus' death. In the first letter to the Corinthians, St. Paul contrasts "the word of the cross" and "the wisdom of the word"; that is, the language of the cross and the language of human wisdom. The difference is this: the wisdom of the word, or the wisdom of the world speaks with words and fine speeches. On the other hand, the cross speaks without words.
The language of the cross is silence! Silence preserves the fragrance of sacrifice for God alone. It keeps suffering from being dispersed, from seeking and finding its reward here below.
Father Raniero Cantalamessa, OFM Cap. Preacher of the Pontifical Household
Excerpt from his book Mary Mirror of the Church
And also: Marian Encyclopedia
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