September 2 – Our Lady of the Stinging Nettles (Germany, 1441)

How could I not love her?

Her name so sweet rejoices my heart; it fills it with deep happiness.

It evokes in my soul an Admirable Mother.

A mother who leans over each one with care.

A patient, tender mother, who turns to the Triune God to intercede for us, moment after moment, throughout our day.

Oh, how can we not be touched, when pronouncing this beloved Name, loved from all eternity!

He, the Word, the Light, the God of gods, the Lord of Lords did not fear to become incarnate, by the Breath of His Spirit, in the womb of Mary.

She is the All Pure. She is the Immaculate! And when we are plunged deep in the storm, let us pray, let us not fear, let us raise our eyes to her who is the All Beautiful. Through her Son Jesus, she will calm the winds and drive away the torments.

She is our Mother. What child is not cherished by an Admirable Mother from the bottom of her soul?

She has wept so many times over our sinful humanity.

She has cried so much at the sight of pending atrocities.

She has wailed so much at the sight of the Enemy turning her children away from Him who is "the Way, the Truth and the Life."

She has suffered so much in her Motherly Heart when she sees, at times, the Holy Trinity scorned and rejected everywhere.

How could I not love her?

Mary! Mother! Deign to look down again today upon each of us, your children.

Consider neither our sin nor our poverty, but simply Jesus hidden in our hearts.

Admirable Mother, may you console and comfort all those who are loved by the Triune God, and help us to give ourselves to Him, for it is through Him and Him alone that, after this life here on earth, we will enter His gentle light.


Constance, a reader of A Moment with Mary

Poem sent in April 2021 (Translated from French)

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