October 30 – Our Lady of Mondovi (Italy, 1540)

Our Lady of Mondovi, the wounded Virgin

The shrine of Vicoforte dedicated to the Virgin Regina Montis Regalis (Queen of Mount Royal), in the province of Cuneo, Italy, is a famous church of Piedmont, near the town of Mondovi. Its construction followed an event that occurred in 1596.

It was built on the site of a column supporting a statue of the Virgin and Child. One day, a distracted hunter had hit the statue of the Virgin with his arrow, and this caused the statue to miraculously bleed. Understandably, the faithful started coming there to pray to the Virgin Mary.

Later, a beautiful church was built, topped by one of the largest elliptical domes in the world, in honor of the famous Wounded Virgin.

In addition to the pilgrimage itself, an annual festival - "The Madonna Fair" - attracts many visitors to the site each year.

The Marie de Nazareth Team

See also: Library of Marian Writings 

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