October 29 – Our Lady of Follina (Italy, 1120)

Mary untier of knots had sent this policeman!

My mother-in-law was called by the local police station as one of her neighbors had complained against her. He had given some money to her around 10 years back and bought groceries from my mother-in-law’s shop for more than a year. According to her, the man had taken items worth more than the amount borrowed. But he was refusing to accept this and insisting on being repaid the money and hence complained to the police. We were worried as we were not used to visiting the police station. My wife continuously prayed the "Mary Untier of Knots" prayer. When we visited the police station, to our surprise, one of the policemen, who had also been duped by this man, came to our help and informed the police inspector about this person and took him to task for harassing a woman.

We completely believe that this has happened through the intercession of Our Lady as without her help we did not have anyone to help us in that situation. Mary Untier of Knots had sent that policeman to help us.

S. D.

A reader of A Moment with Mary, July 31, 2021 

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