October 27 – Our Lady of Charity (Cuba)

Mary’s Assumption, a message of hope for all

The Lord sends a message hope to the faithful through the Assumption of Mary, the Archbishop of Malta Charles Scicluna said on Sunday August 15, 2021.

Delivering a homily during the mass celebrating the Assumption of Mary – the bodily taking up of Mary, the mother of Jesus, into heaven at the end of her earthly life – Archbishop Scicluna explained the meaning behind the feast.

[…] Mary, who was born without sin and preserved from corruption, was asked to become the Mother of God, the archbishop said. He underlined that her resurrection is an assurance that when our time comes, we will also be called to join God.

Mgr Scicluna noted that the Maltese have always prayed to Mary for protection, and said that this was not limited to Santa Marija’s convoy, when five of the 14 ships in Operation Pedestal entered the Grand Harbour in August 1942.

The island was in a dire situation – about to surrender to the Axis powers – but was saved by the food supplies, fuel and hope the convoy brought.

Mary is an example of the Lord’s mercy, a star shining in the darkness, a ray of hope, Mgr Scicluna said and added: “We all know the sorrow which comes with death that separates us from our loved ones. It feels like a dark place. May Mary be the star shining in the darkness when we are in such sorrow from which we feel we cannot escape from.”

Adapted from: newsbook.com

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