October 20 – Consecration of Portugal to Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception (Portugal, 1646) – Cardinal Pierre de Bérulle (d. 1629), founder of the French school of spirituality

Mary’s life passed from silence to silence

Our Lady's lot is to be silent and to listen.

This is her state, this is her way, this is her life.

Hers is a life of silence adoring the eternal Word.

Seeing with her eyes, on her bosom, in her arms,

This same Word, the substantial Word of the Father,

Being muted and silenced because of his childhood,

She enters into a new silence and is transformed in it,

Following the example of the incarnate Word,

Who is her Son, her God, her only Love.

And so her life passes from silence to silence,

From silence of adoration to silence of transformation.

Cardinal Pierre de Berulle (1575-1629)


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