October 6: Our Lady of the People (Italy)

On October 10, 2021, let us give Mary a Rosary wreath!

On Sunday, October 10, at 3pm, in many different places around Belgium (parishes, Marian shrines, nursing homes, prisons, family homes, pilgrimage sites, etc.), Catholics will pray the Rosary for the following intentions: for Faith, Life and Peace, for Belgium and for the whole world.

Every year on October 7, the Church celebrates Our Lady of the Rosary, to whom this beautiful fall month is dedicated, leading up to the feast of all the Saints, of whom she is the Queen.

Since it will be difficult for many people to gather and pray the Rosary on a week day – either Thursday, October 7 or Wednesday, October 13, 2021, the anniversary of the last apparition of Our Lady at Fatima in 1917 – the date of Sunday October 10, 2021 at 3:00 pm has been chosen instead to offer Mary, Help of Christians, a crown of rosaries, in union with everyone who will be praying throughout Belgium and around the world.

We should top off this time of prayer, of thanksgiving for the graces received, with the offering of ourselves to Jesus through Mary, and asking for divine help in these difficult days we are experiencing, by creating fervent places of prayer open to all, so that together, under the protection of our good Mother of Heaven, we may continue on our way to Eternal Happiness!

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