November 23 – Our Lady of the Assumption (Italy, 1624)

Mary’s prayer sends a child to a couple who had been infertile for 20 years!

Your daily email A Moment with Mary made me want to share the story of my own conception. My parents were childless after being married for 20 years, which was weighing heavily on their heart. One day, a priest recommended that they go to Lourdes and pray to the Virgin Mary, promising to consecrate their child to her if she would grant them their wish.

My parents went to Lourdes where they immediately made this vow. I was conceived soon after that, and born on February 11, 1945, the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes! When I was 7 years old, my parents took me to Lourdes to make my First Communion.

I was planning on becoming a history teacher, but life (or perhaps the Blessed Virgin Mary) decided otherwise, and I became a musician instead. I am still the titular organist of the church of Our Lady of Pity, in Le Croisic (French department of Loire-Atlantique, on the west coast of France) - although officially retired.

Prayerfully yours,

Irene, a reader of A Moment with Mary. Personal story sent on May 3, 2021

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