November 9 – Feast of the Dedication of the Saint John Lateran Basilica – Saint Elizabeth of the Trinity (1880-1906)

No one has penetrated the mystery of Christ except the Virgin

I think that we can say with certainty that no one has fully penetrated the mystery of Christ except for the Virgin Mary. St. Paul often speaks of the "understanding" that was given to him, and yet, how shadowy all the saints are, when we look at the brightness of the Virgin! She is the untold wonder! The secret that she kept and replayed in her Heart, no language can reveal it, no pen can translate it.

This Mother of grace is going to form my soul, so that her little child will be a living, striking image of her first-born, the Son of the Lord, the one who was the perfect praise of the glory of his Father.


Saint Elizabeth of the Trinity (1880-1906). Canonized by Pope Francis on October 16, 2016

In Mary, Model of Interior Souls.

Spiritual Life, 1928.

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