May 26 - Saint Philip Neri, priest, founder of the Oratory (d. 1595 in Rome)

Mary, Mother of the Unexpected

Mary, when my father was killed by terrorists, your trust lifted me up. I said "YES" to life.

When Providence surprised me with my future companion for life, your hand guided me. I said "YES" to life.

This spiritual bond between us, Mary, stems from those two "unexpected" events. You gently led me to so many acts of surrender. One "YES" at a time, one step at a time... I followed you, the leader, you led me to Christ and He allowed you to remain my precious ally. You, the Virgin of the Annunciation, you announced our Salvation.

In my work, I hear a thousand other "annunciations" from women who are filled with anguish. I deposit all of them at your feet, Mother Mary, and entrust these lonely, frightened mothers to you. You help me to listen, because you understand those struggling women so well. Who else could be closer to a sanctuary of Life, confronted with an unexpected pregnancy? "How can this be done?" you asked. How would you break the news?… Your faith overcame all your doubts. You were not in control or the master of the situation. But you abandoned yourself to trust and with great audacity you embarked on the journey to the other side of the shore, where your Son is.

I always trust in you and lean on you, when I meet with these women. I pray that you will awaken the instinct and force of motherhood in them, the trust in the promise of life that springs up in an unexpected way. Trust transforms our outlook and the disposition of our heart, and helps us to let go of planned and arranged choices, especially those that make us consider terminating pregnancies.

Mary, Mother of the Unexpected, let your own "YES" resound in the hearts of these frightened young mothers. As you yourself experienced the same thing in your own body, whisper to their maternal souls that, in this unexpected event, God makes Himself present. Tell them, that in what seems impossible, a miracle is possible; that by saying a small "YES"—the pure and simple expression of unfailing trust—the unexpected becomes the child we have always longed for, and the dwelling place of the divine presence.

Cécile Edel, clinical psychologist, former president of the association Choisir la Vie (“Choose Life”), founder of the "SOS pregnant women" hotline, and provider of counseling services for struggling future mothers

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