May 16 – Saint Simon Stock (Brown Scapular)

Mary teaches us to say "YES"

On days when I am under a lot of stress or when I have to make difficult decisions for my company, I pause for a moment to bring Mary into my day, help me keep all my commitments and warmly welcome the people I will have to meet.

Mary said "YES" without hesitation, without knowing what that "YES" would bring. Mary was willing to accept all the unexpected events.

My days are filled with twists and turns. Like Mary, I sometimes need to change course and embark on a new adventure.

Like Mary, sometimes the life of a business manager takes me out of my faith zone. It is up to me to ask her for support when I need to make important decisions and ask for stronger faith so I can meet the challenges.

In this way Mary guides my professional activities.

Like her, I need to know when to take a break--when to say "YES." She teaches me how to accept the unexpected and how to courageously launch my own business ventures.

Barthélémy Guislain, President of the Mulliez Family Association (Association Familiale Mulliez)

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