May 9 - Our Lady of the Wood (Italy, 1607) - Mother's Day (in many countries around the world except the UK and France)

Mary welcomes everyone

When the pope appointed me Apostolic Delegate for the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes (France) about two years ago, I had already been to Lourdes several times on different occasions (with small groups, struggling people, youth pilgrimages, bishops’ conferences, etc.). But I must say that this new mission made me enter in a deeper way into the life of the shrine. It changed my relationship with the Virgin Mary, who spoke to Bernadette, asked her to go there in procession, and revealed her name: "I am the Immaculate Conception."

Through the pilgrims we meet, the sick and those who accompany them, the crowds of the annual pilgrimages, the few who can travel to Lourdes during the pandemic… while carrying with me countless prayer intentions, celebrating the Eucharist at the Grotto of Massabielle or praying the Rosary there, listening to those who come to ask for God's forgiveness, I realize how Mary opens her arms to all sufferings, physical and emotional pains, all sorrows and fears, but also to personal plans and hopes. Mary welcomes everyone, whatever their age, expectations, personal crosses, unique situations, socio-economics backgrounds, health, past (straight or crooked), levels of faith (strong or stammering).

Mary welcomes everyone. She consoles the afflicted, restores hope and confidence, opens the way to peace of heart. She leads us to her Son, she helps us reach the One who brings salvation. She makes us understand Bernadette’s simplicity, her fraternal love towards all kinds of poverty, and the joy we feel when we realize that, despite everything, we are loved and forgiven. Magnificat!

Antoine Hérouard, auxiliary bishop of Lille, apostolic delegate for the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes

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