May 1st – Saint Joseph the Worker

Saint Joseph closes the doors and Mary opens the gates

On April 2, 2016, I went to the town of Argenteuil in France to venerate a relic of the Tunic of Christ, then on display. There I met two people who gave me food for thought and I was taken aback! The first meeting was with a sculptor friend called Luke, who knew that I often participated in the Saint Joseph Pilgrimage in France and wanted to tell me something about the depictions of Saint Joseph.

He said, "Stan, all statues of Saint Joseph date from the 19th century. For the Saint Joseph Pilgrimage, why not have me make a more contemporary one that depicts the real Joseph. It could be a statue of a father with his son on his shoulders for instance!" I told him, "I love the idea, but I'm not the one in charge."

A few minutes later, as I was exiting the basilica, I came across to a lady and walked up to her. "Do you often carry an image of Mary like that? I think I’ve seen the same icon in a hospital room where a friend from my parish was recently, and who just passed away," I asked. She replied: "This is the Madonna and Child of Schoenstatt, a worldwide movement that is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year. A man called Fred built the shrine. He is trying to find 10 families to start a special group where Mary can visit each family for three days each month."

A few days later, again I was surprised! I received a call from Laurent, the founder of the Saint Joseph Pilgrimage. He wanted me to take over as the director. "Stanislas, I have been organizing the pilgrimage for the last 6 years… I have been praying to find a successor and God made me think of you." I know the Catholic rhetoric for passing on responsibility... My friends and family tell me that I already do a lot, and I was not very confident in my abilities to assume this role. But deep down inside, I heard a little voice telling me to accept.

So, three days later, I called Luke to tell him to start making the new statue, and, on the same day, we decided as a family to form a new group of Our Lady of Schoenstatt, at Fred's shrine.

Five years later, I can testify that we can all embark on a wonderful adventure of faith if we accept it. If we feel unprepared for it or overwhelmed, then it is a good sign, we are surely on the right path, because God really provides for everything. Mary educates and Saint Joseph guides. Saint Joseph closes the doors to evil and Mary opens the gates to Heaven. Mary does not tire of letting herself be touched by the requests of her chaste husband. Saint Joseph does not tire of encouraging us to love our victorious, thrice admirable Mother. Both of them want us to receive their divine Son!

Stanislas Péronnet, father of four children and organizer of the March of St. Joseph, France, 2021

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