March 30 – Tuesday of Holy Week


On January 17, 2021, the Shrine of Pontmain in northwest France and site of a famous apparition of the Virgin Mary, celebrated its 150th anniversary.

Back in 1871, France was in war and most of France was under Prussian occupation. The enemy had come as far as Laval. The next village to be ceased would probably have been Pontmain, just 30 miles away. In addition to the war, the entire area was engulfed in a typhoid epidemic and smallpox was spreading. It must have seemed to be the worst of times to those living here.

On January 11, 1871, during the Battle of Le Mans, the Northern Lights put on a mysterious display that had everyone talking. Some people felt it foretold that something was about to happen. An earthquake occurred around noon on January 17th as well. People had begun to lose hope, and felt that their prayers were not being heard… or at least not being answered. But, little did they know that their world was about to change.

On January 17th, as darkness descended on the village, the Virgin Mary appeared to four children above a barn on the Barbadette family’s farm in Pontmain. Eugene, age 12, and his brother Joseph, age 10, were the first to see her in the sky. They described her as a beautiful lady in a dark blue dress covered with stars. She wore a black veil with a golden crown on her head. Two little girls, Francoise Richer, age 11, and Jeanne Marie Le Bosse, age 9, also saw her.

A written message appeared on a large white banner that unrolled itself beneath the feet of Our Lady. The message read: OH! DO PRAY MY CHILDREN GOD WILL ANSWER YOU VERY SOON. MY SON LETS HIS HEART BE TOUCHED. The single apparition lasted three hours.

Within eleven days, Prussia had mysteriously withdrawn its troops. An Armistice was signed and the war was over. Pontmain and France had been spared!

Adapted from: The Catholic Guide

See: Pontmain

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