March 19 – Solemnity of Saint Joseph, Husband of the Virgin Mary

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph: Three United Hearts

After God, Saint Joseph was the first object of the love of his most holy Bride, and he had the first place in her heart … as the bride belongs to her husband, the heart of Mary belonged to Joseph. Not only was it his, but if it is said of the first Christians that they had but one heart and one soul, how much more can it be said of the Blessed Virgin and her holy Spouse that they had but one soul and one heart through a sacred bond of love and charity.

It is therefore evident that Joseph had one heart with Mary, and we can say that Mary had one heart with Jesus; Joseph, therefore, shared one heart with Jesus and Mary. As in the adorable Trinity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, there are three persons who have only one heart, with Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, there are three united hearts. 

Excerpt from: Joseph Modèle de vie pour notre temps, (Joseph, Model of Life for Our Times) - Editions Marie de Nazareth, Paris, 2020. (Not yet available in English or Spanish.) Taken from Saint John Eudes (1600-1680), an eminent member of the French School of spirituality.

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