March 16 - Our Lady of the Fountain (Constantinople, 460) - Benedicta of Saint Damian (Italy, 13th century), superior of the Poor Clares (after Saint Claire)

Joseph, model of those consecrated to Jesus through Mary

Being entrusted with the care of the Virgin Mary and becoming her chaste husband must have come as a big surprise to Joseph. According to the tradition and the liturgy of all Churches that trace their origin to the Apostles, Mary was educated in the Temple of Jerusalem. When she reached the age to marry, she left the Temple, and a husband was chosen for her. Providence chose Joseph, who, we can be certain, received her with great joy and agreed to respect her vow of virginity (see Luke 1:34).

Joseph dedicated himself fully to serving Mary, whom he saw as a gift from God. He is the model of those who consecrate themselves to the Mother of God. This commitment led Joseph to welcome Jesus in a unique and unsurpassed way. He was the first to go "to Jesus through Mary."

With Mary, his wife, Joseph also consecrated himself entirely to Jesus. He is therefore the model of those who consecrate themselves to Jesus through Mary. You and I are invited to imitate him in this as well.

Excerpt from: Joseph Modèle de vie pour notre temps, (Joseph, Model of Life for Our Times) - Editions Marie de Nazareth, Paris, 2020. (Not yet available in English or Spanish.)

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