March 15 - Our Lady Under-the-Ground (Chartres, France) - Our Lady of Fossolovara (Italy)

Be eager to grow, like Jesus, with the Holy Family!

As we meditate on the mystery of the hidden life, we must understand that if Jesus spent 30 long years in Nazareth, it was not only to prepare for His public life, but also to show us the road to follow. Jesus is "the Way, the Truth and the Life" (Jn 14:6) from the first moment of His conception, not only during the three years of His missionary life.

By remaining under the authority of Joseph and Mary in this way, our Lord invites us to do the same: it was in Nazareth, at the school of His parents, that the seed of divine life which we receive at baptism can grow, mature, and blossom in order to bear all the fruits that God has the right to expect from us.

We must all be very eager to grow, like Jesus and with Jesus, "in wisdom, in stature and in grace, in the eyes of God and of men" (Lk 2:52), at the school of the Holy Family.

Father Joseph-Marie Verlinde

Member of the Famille Saint Joseph Community (France) 2021

Adapted and translated from: Aleteia

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