March 8 - Our Lady of Graces (Italy, 1487) - Saint John of God (1495-1550)

Mary appears to Saint John of God on his death bed

The Archbishop kindly came to celebrate Mass in the sick man’s room and administer the last rites, which gave Brother John (1) a double and incomparable joy. Now, after receiving communion, as he was alone and entirely absorbed in thanksgiving, the Blessed Virgin appeared to him, accompanied by the Archangel Raphael and Saint John the Evangelist. 

Brother John understood that Mary had arranged for all of this to take place, and struggled to find the words to thank her. But she, wiping the sweat from his brow, told him: "This is the hour when I never fail to assist those who have entrusted themselves to my protection; and know also that I shall never fail to assist your poor.” 


(1) Saint John of God was a Spanish monk of Portuguese origin, who dedicated his life to serving the poor and founded the Order of Hospitallers.

Excerpt from The Glories of Mary - Saint Alphonsus Liguori

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