March 1 - Our Lady of Machaby (Italy, 1800) - 12th apparition in Lourdes (France, 1858)

How the Virgin Mary freed prisoners from bandits

The Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows is located near the village of Machaby, Italy, at an elevation of 2,300 ft. It was built in the 14th century in the middle of a forest and completely rebuilt in 1687.

According to tradition, this shrine was built on a spot where shepherds had once found a wooden statue of the Madonna and Child. They took the statue to the chapel of the hamlet located upstream, but the next day the statue was again found near the same bush. So they decided to build her a shrine in Machaby.

Bandits used to hideout and hold prisoners in a cave inside the shrine. One day a young girl—who was also kidnapped and thrown in the cave with other victims stunned with fear—told them they should have confidence in Our Lady of Machaby and pray to her.

Responding to their prayer, Our Lady of the Snows (Our Lady of Machaby) appeared to the prisoners and, smiling, showed them a place in the cave where they could escape. Everyone was miraculously saved.

Adapted from: Loveda

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