June 20 – Our Lady of Consolation, patroness of Luxembourg City (Luxembourg)

New “Belvedere for Life” Shrine in France

Parents who have lost a child or are experiencing infertility are not abandoned by the Church: the Shrine of Our Lady of Graces in Cotignac, southern France, recently inaugurated an outdoor shrine called "Belvedere for Life." It was dedicated on March 28, 2021, by Bishop Dominic Rey of Fréjus-Toulon, during Palm Sunday Mass. It comprises two oratories specially designed for couples hoping to conceive and parents grieving over the death of a child, so that they can bring their petitions to Mary, Our Lady of Life.

For Brother Hubert-Marie de Bazelaire, rector of the shrine, there was an urgent need to dedicate a new shrine to the welcoming of life in this era where the "culture of death" reigns and where the most fragile lives are discarded. Two new statues now adorn the promontory overlooking the valley.

The first one represents the Presentation in the Temple: Mary offering her newborn Son to God, therefore sharing the joys and difficulties common to all mothers; the other one, carved in oak, represents two hands holding a child (in alabaster), symbolizing sorrow that turns into prayer when placed in Mary's hands, the agony of the innocents who were never born, and the suffering of the women who wanted to keep their child.

The image of Mary as consoler and protectress of all life will comfort those who are suffering with disability, illness or the tragedy of abortion, miscarriage, stillbirth or sterility, and who will find, through her intercession, divine help and peace.

For Solange and Antoine, a married couple trying to conceive for the past four years: "This is good news for all couples who may feel outcast, unwelcome or different, and who do not have a special ministry in their parish for couples trying to conceive." The shrine is already planning future pilgrimages tailored for such couples.

Another visitor, Charlotte, says that the new shrine is "a huge comfort." The young woman had an abortion a few years ago under family pressure. She had stopped going to church, and now sees at Cotignac "the sign of God's unconditional love."

Adapted from: Famille Chretienne

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