July 31 - Saint Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Jesuits (d. 1556) - Ethiopian Church: Feast of the Densata (Conception of Mary)

Mary, a personal figure of the Church-Mediatrix of all grace

For Ignatius of Loyola, the Risen Christ appeared to Mary in her quality as the figure and personal embodiment of the Church.

It is important to remember that Mary offered Jesus a virginal and immaculate space where his glorious body could grow without encountering any obstacle.

In Mary, Jesus finds his glorious Body. He can place in her the entirety of salvation and grace, so that, having participated in his work of salvation since the Incarnation, she can become his perfect collaborator in spreading the fruits of the Redemption.

In other words, Christ makes her a personal figure of the Church-mediatrix of all grace. The Lord, in fact, wants to do nothing without the help and mediation of his Bride, the Church.

I.-M. Hennaux, S.J.

In "En apparaissant à la Vierge Marie, le Christ ressuscité a fondé son Église", Nouvelle revue théologique, vol. 126/ n.1, jan-mar 2004

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