July 29 - Saint Martha, hostess of the Lord - Pope Callistus III orders to ring the bell for the Angelus from this day on (1456)

Mother Mary sent this worried mom flowers!

On October 10, my 22-year-old son was riding his bike with his sister. While they were taking a short break, my son fainted and because of the fall broke his collarbone. He was rushed to the hospital where the doctors would normally have operated on him right away to repair his collarbone, but since his fainting could have been caused by a heart condition, they sent him first to a cardiologist to avoid the possible risks of surgery on him.

Needless to say, we took Heaven by storm with our prayers. We asked everyone we knew to pray for him. The following Saturday, before morning Mass, I happened to see an excellent video called “The Incredible Story of Our Lady of Prayer: The Apparitions of Our Lady of L'Ile-Bouchard”. In it I learned that the young visionaries (who were little girls at the time) had asked the Virgin Mary for a "sign" to prove to others that she was really appearing to them. Our Blessed Mother did give them a sign. I suddenly thought that I too could ask Our Lady to let me know in some way that my son was going to be alright. I asked her to make sure there was no doubt that this sign was coming from her.

After Mass on Saturday morning, after the rosary, I prayed a "flying novena" (as St. Teresa of Calcutta often did: 9 Memorares in petition plus 1 to thank Mary, trusting that our prayer will be granted) before the statue of Our Lady of Fatima, entrusting everything once again to our holy Mother.

Returning home, I ran into a friend who was bringing me a bouquet of small yellow roses in a vase. She greeted me by saying, "Our Blessed Mother wanted me to bring them to you!" She also brought me a little card that said, "When I saw these flowers, I knew right away that Our Lady wanted to give them to you! Don't worry, Jesus, Mary and Joseph are taking care of everything!"

The answer was clear: our Blessed Mother was helping us! My son had his surgery on October 22 by an excellent surgeon and all the tests confirmed that his heart was healthy. How blessed we are to have a Mother who loves us so much! Ask our holy Mother for graces with confidence, she who is so good and loving to us her children.

Marilyne, a Canadian reader of A Moment with Mary, March 2021

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