December 25 – The Nativity of Our Lord

"I saw the Blessed Virgin coming to me"

Our Lord appeared many times to Sister Josefa Menéndez (1), many times as the Child Jesus with the Blessed Virgin. Two of these times were on Saturday, December 25, 1920, and Monday, December 25, 1922. 

Here is Sister Josefa's own account of the apparition of December 25, 1920:

During the midnight mass I was already in the middle of chapel aisle walking toward the altar, when I saw Our Lady coming to me. She was holding the Child Jesus in her arms who was covered with a white veil, which she took off as soon as I had taken communion. He was dressed in a little white shirt and his little hands were folded over his chest. Then, I couldn't see Him anymore.....

Back at my pew, the Blessed Virgin came close to me again. She slightly raised the Child who was lying in her arms. The Little Jesus opened his arms and caressed his Mother. Then, with His little right hand, He seemed to ask me for mine and I gave it to Him. He took my finger and held it tightly in his hand. A delicious fragrance, which I can't describe, enveloped both of them. 

The Blessed Virgin smiled, then She said to me: 

"My daughter, kiss the Feet of the One who is your God and who will be your inseparable Companion if you don't push Him away. Do not fear anything. Come closer: He is all Love!" I kissed His little feet, He looked at me, and He crossed his little arms on his chest. Then, the Blessed Virgin covered Him with her veil, and looked at me. I asked for her blessing, She blessed me by touching my forehead and they disappeared. 

This time, the Blessed Virgin was dressed with a white tunic and a very pale pink mantle; her veil was also pink, but of a finer fabric. The little shirt of the Child was of a fabric unknown to me. It was light as foam.... He had a halo of light around his little head and so did the Blessed Virgin.

The bright joy of Christmas spilled over the next few days. After associating her with His redemptive sorrows, Jesus shared His joy as Savior with her. The very next morning, He appeared to her resplendent with beauty, and informed her of the return to His Heart of the two souls He had asked her to pray for and for whom He had waited so long: 

“Look, my Bride", He said, "We have saved them! Your sufferings have comforted my Heart.”

Sister Josefa Menéndez, The Way of Divine Love 

(1) Sister Josefa Menéndez (1890-1923) was a Spanish Sister of the Sacred Heart. She entered the Novitiate of the Society of the Sacred Heart in Poitiers, France, in 1920, and was soon the recipient of divine revelations. She was chosen, as was St. Faustina a little later, for a special mission: to disclose to the whole world the universal love and infinite mercy of the Heart of Christ. 

In 1938, Cardinal Pacelli, the future Pope Pius XII, then patron of the Society of the Sacred Heart, authorized the publication of the book entitled The Way of Divine Love, which contained all the messages Sister Josefa had received from Heaven. The process of beatification of Sister Josefa is underway.

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