December 20 – Our Lady of Folgoët

The Virgin Mary refined my heart and healed my wounds

Manuel Capetillo, a former Mexican actor and bullfighter, was one of the most popular TV performers of the 1980s. He had hit rock bottom after a depression following the murder of a friend. Finding no answers in tarot cards, horoscopes, esotericism, and metaphysical search, he converted to Catholicism.

His conversion was anything but simple and easy, the former actor says, because he had dabbled in esotericism years ago and had to go through the Sacrament of Reconciliation several times.

"I was the kind of person who said, 'What's the point of confessing to a priest if God knows everything?’ But when the priest gave me absolution, I felt that my soul was freed from sin while my heart was filled with joy and peace. That day my eyes filled with tears of happiness; I was reborn," he confided.

Manuel Capetillo attributes this conversion to the Virgin Mary, whose call he heard in moments of prayer and adoration before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. "She refined my heart and healed my wounds. Thanks to what she taught me, I got down on my knees and started praying the Rosary, and now I pray it all the time with my family."

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