December 16 – Our Lady of Good Deliverance

"Don't worry, I'm holding you in my hand"

"I was particularly touched by your email meditation this morning, and here is why. 

On June 24, 2017, I was riding my motorcycle on a fairly flat, straight country road, followed by two motorcyclist friends. As I approached an intersection, I saw an oncoming car coming up on the left and I slowed down. The car stopped and I resumed my initial speed of 90 km/h, thinking that it had seen me. 

When I was only about 30 meters away from it, the car turned left without seeing me. The collision was unavoidable. I only had time to start braking…I hit the car head-on and was catapulted 3-4 meters into the air, according to my friends who witnessed the accident. 

During my "flight" I heard a voice saying, "Don't worry, I'll hold you." I then let go completely and landed on the pavement on the other side of the car without passing out. I moved my toes and fingers; my spine was not hurt so I forced myself to remain still until the first responders arrived (35 minutes in the Provence sun, with a temperature of 34°C in the shade). While the firemen were taking care of me, I asked my friends to give me the rosary that I always kept on my bike. I was able to give thanks to the Lord through his mother in the ambulance on my way to the hospital under the astonished eyes of the paramedics. They didn't understand why I was so happy after being in such a bad accident.

It is a miracle that I survived the crash. Of course, I had a few broken bones, but I did not need to have surgery and didn't lose any blood. The bike was destroyed and the car badly damaged, but my body was intact on the outside. I returned home that evening and asked my wife not to cancel the little get-together we had planned with some friends. They were all waiting for me at home and we celebrated this "miracle" around 11:00 pm!


Testimony sent to the Mary of Nazareth organization on September 21, 2021

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