December 13 –Saint Lucy, virgin and martyr (Syracuse, Italy, 283–304)

The Virgin Mary wept in Syracuse in 1953

The shrine of Our Lady of Tears in Syracuse is the most recent shrine in Sicily and one of the most visited, attracting international visitors.

A painted plaster plaque representing the Virgin Mary and her Immaculate Heart crowned with thorns and ablaze (just like in Fatima) was hung on the wall at the head of the bed of a humble Italian couple, Antonina and Angelo Lannuso.

From August 29, 1953 to September 1, 1953, the Virgin Mary represented on this plaque wept real tears, which were analyzed in a lab. The Sicilian Episcopate conducted an investigation that validated the miracle and promoted the devotion.

Today, pilgrims come to pray to Our Lady of Tears in a large church where they receive abundant graces.

Adapted from: Domenico MARCUZZI, Santuari mariani d'Italia, edizioni Paoline, Roma 1982, p. 91

See also: Library of Marian writings

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