August 8 - Saint Dominic, founder of the Dominican Order (d. 1221) - Our Lady of Laeken (Belgium)

O Mary, my joy

I walk with you,
O Mary, my joy,
always there and discreet,
step after step in the secret of my life,
holding time by the hand.

You come to visit me on the way
as you did on the hills
where your cousin Elizabeth lived.
My heart, heavy with the burdens of life,
leaps with gratitude.

I repeat your name on the road,
my prayer blossoms in May flowers,
you help me to meditate the Word
that inhabits my silence
at the children's table.

You help me to breathe,
I feel at peace with you,
you lead me to the beloved Son
who fills us with his presence,
O Mary, my joy.

S'abonner est facile, se désabonner également
N'hésitez pas, abonnez-vous maintenant. C'est gratuit !