August 7 – Feast of Our Lady of Los Reyes (Seville, Spain)

What place does the Virgin Mary hold in our life in the Holy Spirit?

Father Irenée Tigo, vicar of the parish of Sinendé/N'Dali in Benin, speaks about the role of the Virgin Mary in the Pentecostal graces that we receive:

"We hear more and more about people who say that they have the Holy Spirit, and who create new communities here and there. How do we know that these claims are authentic?

The breath of the Holy Spirit continues to blow and it acts in whoever and wherever it wants. This breath of the Holy Spirit is the source of a permanent renewal in the Church through its gifts and charisms. Many Christian communities are especially focused on the Holy Spirit. Many even create new Christian communities based on a specific inspiration received from the Holy Spirit.

The one question we should ask ourselves is: does the Holy Spirit blow to multiply Christian communities (or sects?) or to consolidate our unity (Jn 17:21-26) in the truth? In other words, if the Holy Spirit inspires me and acts in me, should I also create my own Christian community? Is this what being inspired by the Holy Spirit means? Or am I called instead to be a sign of renewal and life for my community?

Many people speak of the Holy Spirit and seek his charisms nowadays, which is very good because it contributes to the glory of God. But the fundamental question to ask is what place is given to Christ in our relationship with the Holy Spirit on the one hand, and what place is given to the Virgin Mary in our life in the Holy Spirit on the other.

Whoever prays to the Holy Spirit and asks that he act in him in all his power, but who does not consider, venerate or pray to the Virgin Mary, is basically not coherent with himself. For Mary was the first person at the dawn of the new times, in whom the Holy Spirit unfolded his omnipotence through the birth of Jesus.

Everything that is said about Mary is said in relation to Jesus Christ who gave the Holy Spirit to mankind. To appreciate the solidity and coherence of a discourse on the Holy Spirit, look at the place given to Christ and Mary. Do they have their rightful place or are they quarantined?"

Anselme Pascal Aguehounde, excerpt from an interview published in the Beninese newspaper La Nation, May 25, 2021

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