September 24 - Our Lady of Mercy – The first Marian shrine in Mexico (Cozumel, 1518)

Why is Mexico so Catholic?

Mexico is home to the most visited Marian shrine in the world: the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Heavenly Patroness of Mexico, and of all the Continental Americas and the Philippine Islands.

The devotion of the Mexican people to the Blessed Virgin dates back to the beginning of the Spanish Conquest of the Americas. It was the Franciscan missionaries who first evangelized this part of the North American continent. Then came the Dominicans, the Augustinians, the Jesuits, the Carmelites, the Mercedarians, and then more recent Marian Congregations such as the Congregation of the Mission, who introduced devotion to the Miraculous Medal. 

Today, the love of Mary is so strong in Mexico that each diocese and important city has at least one church dedicated to the Mother of God. The Blessed Virgin is venerated in Mexico under at least 200 different titles, some of which are known internationally. The most popular of these by far is Our Lady of Guadalupe.

There are many other Marian churches throughout Mexico that are important pilgrimage sites. In fact, devotion to the Virgin Mary not only made evangelization possible in Mexico, it is the reason why it is still a profoundly Catholic country.

The Marie de Nazareth editorial team

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