October 18 – Our Lady of Peace (Italy, 1482) - Saint Luke

Camille's forgiveness, an aborted child

On the eve of the World Day of the Sick in Lourdes on February 11, 2004, I received this testimony:

"The Lord gave me two sons, one born in 1974 (deceased in 1994), the other in 1977. At the age of 33, I was pregnant with a third child, but for several reasons, I didn’t want this pregnancy and had an abortion in December 1982, without realizing that it was really a child. For me he did not yet exist. And since abortion was legal, I went ahead and did it.

Ten years later, when I had forgotten all about it, the Lord showed me this child in a dream. I was really shocked!

This is what happened: I felt like I was floating in the air. Then I came face to face with a serene child who looked a little like my second son. He told me that he was mine and that his name was Camille! He was about ten years old, the age he would have been if he had lived. Next to him was another child, who asked him: “Aren’t you blaming her for what she did to you?” But Camille replied: “No, I forgive her.”

I was stunned! I hadn’t sought this revelation, and had suddenly learned that I had a child, that he was in heaven, that his name was Camille, and that he had forgiven me for aborting him!

Thank you Lord, thank you Mary! What an enormous grace!

I want to testify today that a child exists from the time he is conceived, that an abortion is the murder of a child, and that it brings much suffering to the mother (and probably also to the child).

But in his goodness, the Lord doesn’t abandon any of those little ones, who are happy with Mary in the bosom of the Father!

Dr. Patrick Theillier

Former head of the Office of Medical Observations of the Shrine of Lourdes

Excerpt from Dr. Theillier’s book Lourdes, terre de guérisons (Lourdes, Land of Healing) recently published by Artège Pocket

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