Sister Josefa Menéndez, born in Spain (1890-1923), was a novice nun in the Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. She wrote The Way of Divine Love (1) in which she published messages dictated by Jesus Himself, who called her His messenger. At times, the Virgin Mary came to visit Josefa to give her encouragement in her difficult mission.
In September 1921, the Virgin Mary appeared to Sister Josefa Menéndez precisely for that reason, after her Son Jesus had just asked Josefa to offer herself to Him as a victim for the salvation of souls. Mary told her: "I cannot tell you how much I, who am your Mother, desire you to be faithful; but do not lament over yourself. The only thing that Jesus asks is that you surrender yourself to His Will. He will do the rest. The more Jesus asks of you, the more you should rejoice, my daughter. In front of a masterpiece, it is not the brush, but the hand of the artist that is admired... So Josefa, even if great things happen through you, do not attribute anything to yourself, because it is Jesus who acts, He who lives in you, He who uses you. Give Him thanks for so much goodness! Be very faithful in little things as in big things, without looking at the cost. Obey Jesus, obey your superiors and remain humble and abandoned. Jesus takes care of your littleness and I am your Mother!"
Excerpt from:
Un Appel à l’amour (The Way of Divine Love), the message of Jesus to the world through his messenger Sister Josefa Menéndez. (Editions de l’Apostolat de la prière, Toulouse, page 187)