4 June – Saint John Paul II’s first visit to Poland to the Marian shrine of Czestochowa (1979) - Saint Clotilde, Queen of France

Our Lady will save the world

In 1936, Marthe Robin, the mystic and stigmatist of Châteauneuf-de-Galaure, France, received a prophecy from the Lord announcing an immense outpouring of the Holy Spirit, preceded by a great crossing of the desert and time of purification. This universal Pentecost, foretold through the prism of France, concerns the whole world:

"France will descend to the depths of the abyss, to the point where there will be no human solution for recovery. She will remain all alone, abandoned by all the other nations that will turn away from her, after having led her to her doom. She will not remain in that situation for long. She will be saved, but not by arms, nor by the genius of men, because there will be no human means left to them ...

France will be saved, because the Good Lord will intervene through the Blessed Virgin. It is She who will save France and the world... The Good God will intervene through the Blessed Virgin and through the Holy Spirit. It will be the New Pentecost, the second coming of the Holy Spirit."

Father Joël Guibert

Priest of the Diocese of Nantes, Brittany (France)

Excerpt from his book L'Heure est venue (The Hour Has Come), published by Téqui (Paris) May 2018.

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