June 3 - Our Lady of the Letter (Italy)

Nazareth has a permanent message for the Church

The Church cannot grow and prosper if she does not know that her hidden roots reach back to the home of Nazareth. Working with Jesus the worker, immersing oneself in "Nazareth," becomes the starting point for a new conception of the poor and humble Church, of a family Church, of a Nazarene Church.

Nazareth has a permanent message for the Church. The New Covenant did not begin in the Temple nor on the holy mountain; it began in the little dwelling of the Virgin, the house of the worker, and one of the forgotten places of "pagan Galilee” from which no good could be expected.

It is always by returning to this departure point that the Church must regenerate herself. She cannot give a just answer to the rebellion of our century against the power of wealth, if Nazareth does not remain for her an actual reality.

Pope Benedict XVI (Joseph Ratzinger)

From "The God of Jesus Christ," April 2018, Ignatius Press

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