March 29 – 5th Sunday of Lent – Our Lady of Hope (Italy, 1755)

Nothing can counter her maternal power

Some days, the Virgin Mary seems not hidden but veiled... This is the surest sign that she is there, a silent but attentive mother taking care of her child. Can we find her even in the depths of the overwhelming sadness that we experience at times?

The more we are crushed by a cross, the more Mary shows us that she is a mother. The darker the night, the more her presence shines. As the Virgin of Holy Saturday, she doesn’t need our words to understand us. A simple glance, a single movement of the heart, is enough for her to notice. In the light of God she can detect the slightest aspiration towards conversion and encourage it. Thanks to her, the smallest gesture or thought can bring about the birth of Christ in us. No drama or crisis can counter her maternal power.

On the contrary, it seems that, through her, God has allowed all chaos to be transformed into a gestation of life. When we are deeply miserable, we may be closer to her than ever. Is everything collapsing around you? Now is the time to turn to God. It is through Mary that we can find Him, because it is from her that He becomes weak so as to share our own weakness, in everything except sin. Mary is the Mother of Mercy. She is not scandalized by our sins—she lets her heart be torn open to bring us more life.

Rt. Rev. Louis Sankale, Bishop Emeritus of Nice, France, from 2005-2013

Adapted from: Aleteia

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